Hello everyone! Again I have taken my time to get around to supplying you with an update of the times spent here in Kolkata!
part of the reason there has been a delay this time around, is that we
have all suffered a loss of a friend and collegue, and I didn't think I
could summon the energy to really accept it.
It has been just past
2 weeks since the beautiful Shanti, a friend to so many, and the owner
of the most incredible smile, ended her life due to circumstances we can
only guess and wonder about.
Many questions have crept
into all of our minds of, "Why?", and the initial devastation and shock
completely consumed us for the first few days. Yet Freeset is such an
incredibly supportive and strong community, and it is truly one of the
most heart-touching experiences I have had, to really be able to see
those support systems that only death can make visible to the eye.
day after Shanti's passing was her funeral, and was the first (and
hopefully last) Hindu-style funeral I have attended. It felt very
strange and numbing to be attending a funeral for a 22 year old friend,
when I was unable to be at home for my Grandmother's just a few weeks
before-hand. Very sobering.
The way that funerals operate here are
very overwhelming, and I found it easier to numb myself to it, and just
watch - it almost felt like I wasn't there in myself - as the wailing,
sobbing, fainting, and intense incense smoke around me really hit the
senses. Back home, grieving seems to be more of a private affair, and
here open grieving is expected... it is all very raw.
made it all seem very surreal was that when we were down at one of the
ghats for the funeral to take place, is that it is a public funeral
site, so we were in a large room with about 4 other deceased people. It
was all just too much to even begin to take in, really.
continue to grieve for Shanti, still question why, but we will always
think of her as being one of the kindest, most sweet people we have
Despite all of this, we have still
managed to smile through other occasions, such as a final
girls-night-out before Maire and Dan welcome a little baby to the world!
Anna, Annie, Judy, and Deborah. |
Our delicious Italian food! |
Sarah, Pip, Maire, and myself.
The following photos are from before Shanti's death: |
A lovely lunch date with Judy - reminds me of this time... here. |
We even swapped half-sandwiches! Yumbo! |
And then it was Kerry's 50th birthday, so we celebrated by smearing everyone with cake! |
Lovely Annie!! I adore this woman. |
Justin. What more can I say, huh? :) |
Erika, moi, and the old-fella in the background. |
The second cake, that was 70% used as face 'paint'. |
A week or so before this, we had Mai's baby shower! This here is Sasha, she is awesome and lives in Thailand! |
A slightly creepy looking baby... |
This is inside the Freeset creche - I love this wall so much! |
Sari-wrapped gifts. |
Before the 'feeding'. |
Beautiful Esme about to be spoon-fed... |
...by Anna! |
One of the games was to draw on a plate, and mine was one of the two winners! Yay! (I won henna - yussss). |
Maire opening her gifts, aided by Mikayla. |
The yummy cupcakes that Sarah baked! |
This was the weekend following our return from Sri Lanka, and we had Monday off, so Justin, Anna, and I decided to venture to Science City, where many stations you could play around and experiment on were broken or poorly functioning, but overall the park exceeded my expectations, and I loved it so much! I especially loved going into the dome and watching a caving doco whilst nearly lying flat in reclining chairs. |
Another night we decided we needed a night out for dinner at Macambo's, so we whisked Sasha off with us and enjoyed a great meal together! (I especially loved being in the company of a Kiwi around the dinner table!). |
Judy and Erika. |
Anna and Justin. |
Nate and myself. |
Using all the toothpicks for their REAL use - beard decorations. |
Thanks for the update Alanna... hard one to comprehend, and I guess it reminds us all how deeply, deeply broken the lives all around you are! We so often think of the gospel as a quick fix, making everything well and right - instantly. Whereas reality shows that it's just not like that in life, and that while Jesus brings us the Father's wholeness, often that process will take until and well into His return... and all we are called to is love and will people into a growing closeness and process of restoration - as we all need as well. Bless you and the Freeset community as you journey through this valley! So sorry I can't be there at this time as previously planned, was really looking forward to it! So am today listening to some beautiful Hindi worship to help me over the feeling that I am in the wrong place... tablas, sitar... a few former mish-kids who do an awesome job at it...
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