So right now I am super dooper happy because......
I am halfway through my degree!!! Yes, as of yesterday (Friday), I am now officially on holiday for the next four weeks!
And to start the break of awesomely, my friend Marcus and I went to
Crafternoon Tea, and we scored these super yummy macaroons... my favourite was a dark-chocolate and orange one... mmm.

Also managed to nab me a soy tea-cup candle! 5 bucks! (yay for mates rates!)

Then Marcus and I found this book, and had a bit of a giggle about it...

When I got home I was all inspired and such, so I decided to mess around with the idea of kaleidoscopes, and here is the result! ( i am going to continue the pattern properly later...).

Right, so I mentioned in an early post that I was knitting armour... and so now I will grandly reveal the finished product to you all! But I will first gradually build you up... so here, the first image is of my shoulder armor and the paper-fasteners I used at the joints, as well as the strapping I used to attach it to my model's arm:

This is from when I was experimenting with my mock up for the tunic, and a possible bodice to go underneath it:

The final product, modeled by my good friend Joshua Lee!

He is super skinny, which makes him perfect to drape my garment off! The shoulders of this piece are hardened (with good ol' PVA glue watered down!).

Me and Josh! All excited as it neared completion!

So yeah - I am pretty contented right now... I mean I have a whole four weeks to be as crafty and arty as I like. Woohoo!!!
Hopefully I will also be able to post more regularly while I have the time on my hands :)
Stay well!